Annual Report 2023


Challenges are best tackled together. This was demonstrated last year not only by apprentices from the sanitary company Geberit through their engagement at the Ananda School, but also by the dedicated individuals involved in Usthis projects year after year. The new Usthi annual report tells stories of learning from each other and of newly found self-confidence.

Last year was a year of further development for Usthi, marked by continuous exchange and close collaboration with our partners to continuously advance the Usthi projects. In 2023, we formed new alliances: As the ‘Alliance for Resilient Communities,’ Usthi teamed up with various other small NGOs to apply for funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

In line with living Usthi culture, personal contact with our supporters, partners, and project participants was also central this year. On two project trips, the Usthi team spent around 450 hours in the projects in India and Nepal. Opportunities for discussions with the Swiss Usthi community included the Usthi Festival, where we engaged in a panel discussion with supporters from politics, education, and the private sector on inter-generational solidarity and the importance of bequests.

Thank you for joining us in making a difference for others. With your support we can create prospects for young people in need.

We hope you enjoy reading our annual report.

Your Usthi Team


Without a functional disposal system, waste becomes a long-term health problem. When the Board of Trustees accompanied the Usthi team on their annual project trip in 2022, they noticed the lack of a waste disposal system in Penthakata, the informal settlement around the Penthakata School. Waste pollutes the streets, beaches, and the sea, and residues […]

Sewing machines for financial independence

Being able to stand on your own two feet financially is one of the most important steps towards self-determination. With our work, we not only aim to enable the self-determination of project participants, but also to promote the long-term independence of Usthi projects. In the context of the Professional Skills Training Project in Hyderabad, sewing […]

Usthi at the Christkindlimärt

A piece of India for Christmas? Usthi will be at the Christkindlimärt in Rapperswil-Jona from 14.-17. December. Rapperswil-Jona is practically the cradle of the Usthi Foundation. Usthi was founded here in 1985. We are therefore all the more delighted to be part of this year’s Christkindlimärt Rapperswil-Jona. For the occasion of the Christmas market, the […]